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Ghibli makes a big splash with Arrietty‘s little world

For Arrietty Clock, carrying a sugar cube through the kitchen is a Herculean task. At only three inches tall, the young girl, a member of a group of miniscule people known as “Borrowers,” is in an unusual situation, and as protagonist lends a unique vantage point to Studio Ghibli’s newest film The Secret World of Arrietty. Based on Mary Norton’s novel The Borrowers, this latest marvel from the famed Japanese animation company uses new techniques to revitalize an old classic.


This District ain’t big enough for more than one Kitchen

Amid the variety of D.C. restaurants springing up under the banner of organic and cruelty-free produce, District Kitchen manages to maintain a competitive advantage that differentiates it from the grass-fed herd. While this newest member of the Woodley Park restaurant community serves up what appears to be classic mid-Atlantic cuisine, the twist on traditional recipes and the ever-changing house specials add variety to the otherwise predictably bland buffet of green D.C. eateries.


Campaigns from radio to Reddit

“There is no democracy without elections. And there can be no elections without the press.” Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin made this declaration in a world of print and radio, long before today’s era when Twitter consistently breaks news faster than the New York Times. Nonetheless, Goodwin’s observation still holds true, and the quote invites visitors into the entrance of the Newseum’s newest exhibit, “Every Four Years: Presidential Campaigns and the Press.”


Blast That Box: Imma let you finish… college

Declaring an album a “classic” is a meaningless exercise that I will leave for the writers at Pitchfork. Glowing reviews, no matter how abundant or how laudatory, are ultimately irrelevant—an album reaches that magical pinnacle when it strikes a chord for you alone, bringing you back time and again.


God Mode: Study geometry with Hexagon

A few days ago, I was studying for a midterm, which obviously meant I was looking for anything to do other than study for my midterm. The Internet, as always, provided. Through my haphazard blog-reading and link-clicking I eventually arrived at the Flash-based game Hexagon, made by the appropriately titled Distractionware. In five seconds I knew I wasn’t studying any time soon.


Critical Voices: Rotary Club, Second Year in Swine

If Wilco raided the Velvet Underground’s wardrobe, stole the Kinks’ haircuts, and then teamed up with Cursive, you’d end up with an image of Rotary Club’s newest album. The band’s experimental, ever-changing lineup packed in a thick sphere of homages on its sophomore attempt Second Year in Swine, but while the LP weaves in plenty of innovative subtleties, Rotary Club’s sound plays it safe by catering to fans of major alternative artists of both recent and long-gone years.


Critical Voices: Tate Tucker, Virgin Liberation

Last year, a video of then-freshman Tate Tucker (SFS ’14) rapping in front of Lupe Fiasco during Michael Eric Dyson’s sociology class went mildly viral—partially because the words “Georgetown” and “rapper” aren’t often seen in the same sentence. From the video it was clear that Tucker had talent, but there, as well as on his debut mixtape Blue Dreams, he sounded like he was trying a bit too hard, cramming too many rhyming words into the same line and often running out of breath. A year older now, Tucker is much steadier and restrained on his pleasantly surprising new EP, Virgin Liberation, nine songs of his strongest material yet.


Lacrosse beats Delaware in opener

Yesterday afternoon, after an early two-goal deficit, the Georgetown women’s lacrosse team surged past the Delaware Blue Hens to a decisive 16-7 victory.


Sports Sermon: The transformation of Henry Sims

With a turnaround for the ages, Sims didn’t just deter a few doubters. Rather, he completely flipped the script for two legacies—his own, and that of the 2012 Hoyas.


Baseball hopes to continue hot start in Florida

With winning records in each of the first two series of the season, the Georgetown baseball team has jumped out to a 6-2 start, including a stretch of five consecutive wins.


Double Teamed: Reviving the Dunk Contest

Ideally, the negative publicity generated by the 2012 Dunk Contest will encourage a better product next year, but I’m not optimistic. The props will still be there, and the stars will still opt out.


Track prepares for NCAA Championship

Last weekend, the Georgetown men’s and women’s track and field teams completed an arduous but successful few days of running at the Big East Indoor Tournament Championship.


Hoyas bounce back, blow out Villanova 67-46

After getting blown out by Seton Hall on Tuesday, John Thompson III said that his team simply had to be better. The Hoyas clearly got the message, dominating Villanova Saturday afternoon from the opening tip. Georgetown never trailed against Villanova, cruising to a 67-46 victory.


High expectations for captains Barnes and Thomas in 2012

After being ranked first in the Big East preseason poll, the Georgetown women’s lacrosse team has to live up to some big expectations. Luckily, the women have some strong upperclassman... Read more


Endemic intolerance: The flippancy of anti-Mormon bigotry

This Tuesday, Rev. Franklin Graham, the influential son of the famed evangelist Billy Graham, told MSNBC’s Morning Joe that Mitt Romney is not a Christian. Even though Romney, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, considers himself a practicing Christian, Graham said he outwardly respects Romney’s faith but considers it too unfamiliar to be grouped with his own.


Overzealous GUSA candidates take battle to YouTube

Dorm-storming, flyering, and Red Square antics were once enough to win an election. But members of today’s generation of would-be GUSA executives would be remiss if they neglected to engage students on the Internet as well as in real life. Whereas online campaigning may have started out as a way to get a leg up on the competition, it is now expected that candidates keep up appearances on multiple social networking sites.


Carrying On: Paying to stay competitive

With Georgetown’s new science center, Regents Hall, just months away from completion, the time has come for Georgetown to shift its focus towards its next major project. And so, last week, the University revealed revised plans for a new athletic training facility, which will be submitted for final regulatory approval in the coming months.


Revive the Romantics and invigorate contemporary poetry

Few poets since William Carlos Williams and Allen Ginsberg have gained the reputation that poets used to enjoy. Often, critics place the blame for this on a dearth of creativity in recent generations. But instead of drawing such a conclusion, the problem may instead be that contemporary poetry is simply weakened by changing conceptions of the definition of art.


Management system errors leave students unpaid

After the University failed to send her several paychecks in the past month, Claire Austin (SFS ’12), an assistant at the Mortara Center for International Studies, rushed to the Student Employment Office last Friday to take out an emergency loan for $360.


GU law student denied testimony on contraception

Last Thursday, third-year Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke was called by Democrats to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on the recent White House requirement that employers must provide contraceptives without a copayment in their insurance plans.


As voting nears, GUSA candidates increasingly competitive

By the end of Friday, the ongoing campaign efforts of seven dedicated tickets for GUSA President and Vice President will finally reach a conclusion as voting takes place over the next two days.


Saxa Politica: GUSA exec, represent!

There is a certain vocal, insatiable group of neighbors who dislike facets of Georgetown, namely the students.


Lacrosse season preview

7-7. A record like that does not sit well with Dave Urick. The face and head coach of Georgetown lacrosse simply is not used to losing. Now entering his 23rd season at Georgetown, the legendary coach is coming off his worst three-year stretch with the program. He knows it, but he also feels that this group, despite its significant youth, can restore the unranked Hoyas to their proper place in the upper echelon of collegiate lacrosse.