Halftime Leisure

The Voice’s takes on all things media and culture.

Halftime Leisure

Lessons From Literature: The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas

“Let Pascal say that man is a thinking reed. He is wrong; man is a thinking erratum. Each period in life is a new edition that corrects the preceding one... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Trailer Takes: The Secret Scripture, Coco, and Atomic Blonde

The Secret Scripture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85bdcbawodQ Laura: While I usually like a movie with competing stories, philosophical questions, and high stakes, I felt like the tension, initially displayed as one story, between... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Stripped: Calvin Klein, Oscars Fashion and More

This week on Stripped, Isabel Lord and Emma Francois are joined by guests Caitlin Mannering and Amy Guay to briefly discuss fashion’s growing political consciousness and the Calvin Klein ad featuring the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Baila Conmigo!

With GU’s LatinX Dance Showcase Reventón right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to put some *lit* Spanish songs on the playlist for your next party. Expand your Latin... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Studio Ghibli Series is a Nostalgic and Heartwarming Study Break

At this point in the semester, midterms abound and professors are not so subtly encouraging us to start thinking about our final papers and projects.  With all these impending deadlines,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Night I Saw Cate Blanchett on Broadway

Because I’m a bougie millennial, I spent part of my Spring break in New York with my roommate and beloved companion, Grace. We shared a bialy from Russ and Daughters;... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Trailer Takes: Salt and Fire, Rough Night, and The Void

Salt and Fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s5N4fupIZE Graham: Werner Herzog, for me, is in the same category of directors as Lars von Trier and Paul Thomas Anderson where I’m never quite sure what... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Michael Giacchino is the New John Williams

The lights go down. The text appears on the screen. “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” And then: a cut to a shot of space with... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Designated Survivor: Your New Favorite Show

I get it. Politics are dramatic enough in reality, and already seem to be infiltrating every aspect of your life. So, the last thing you want to do is watch... Read more

Halftime Leisure

What I Learned from Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance

  For many young adults in the United States and around the world, romance is hard.  With all the technology we have today, dating should be effortless.  Apps like Tinder... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Out of this World

No matter who you are or what you’re studying, you have some sort of fascination with space. Everyone does. Maybe you’re still excited about the plethora of new Star Wars... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Untitled Leisure Project: Samurai Jack Is Back

Welcome to The Untitled Leisure Project, the podcast where Voice staffers discuss all things related to leisure. This week, Mike Bergin and Jon Block discuss the upcoming revival of Samurai Jack coming... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The 250: Blade Runner

Welcome to the 250! This week, host Danielle Hewitt reaches peak movie snob as she discusses the Ridley Scott cult classic Blade Runner with Editor-in-Chief Graham Piro.    

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Grimy

Enjoy the sunny days of Spring Break with fuzzy guitars, relentless bass, and banging beats: Nirvana – Come As You Are: From the best album of the best grunge-rock band... Read more

Halftime Leisure

A Case for the Classics: The O.C.

The O.C. is, was, and always will be the perfect show. It was full of teen drama, including class divisions and tumultuous romance; it had a heartwarming family dynamic complete... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Lessons From Literature: The Woman Destroyed

“Youth and what the Italians so prettily call stamina. The vigor, the fire, that enables you to love and create. When you’ve lost that, you’ve lost everything.” ― Simone de... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Trailer Takes: As You Are, The Discovery, and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

As You Are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkVe4fEn7W0 Brynne: Compelling as this film looks, I can’t tell exactly what it’s getting at. The overhead shot in the opening, the music, and the creepy ending... Read more

Halftime Leisure

An Artist’s Input: Why Experimental Film Needs Its Own Category At The Oscars

I, like many others, enjoy participating in the annual magic surrounding the Oscars. From the way the California sun illuminates the red carpet to the manner in which the world... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Spring Break Road Trip

What’s that? You were rejected from all the ABP trips you applied to and failed to make adequate backup plans? The best you could think up was an impromptu road... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Recollections of the past in “Memoryscapes: Blurry Lines III”

In a little corner of the Touchstone Gallery, next to a window looking out onto busy New York Avenue, is the latest collection of paintings from local artist Steve Alderton.... Read more