
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Admissions Equity Requires Broader Consideration

Last week, The Hoya’s editorial board argued that, because it leaves qualified Asian-American students disadvantaged when applying to Georgetown and other elite colleges and universities, race-based affirmative action should no longer... Read more


Mind What You Wear

When the MoMa began to display Colin Kaepernick’s jersey in its halls as a part of an exhibit entitled “Items: Is Fashion Modern?” the display, and the exhibit itself, showed... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: Angry Liberal Feminist Killjoy

I wear my opinions on my sleeve, literally. Fashion can be a useful way of expressing one’s personality, but my clothes spell things out. I am a frequent wearer of... Read more


A Note from the Fashion Issue Editors

The world is a crazy place. It is wild, chaotic, and theatrical, and the political climate we are living in is even more so. Sometimes, amidst all this disorder, it... Read more


‘Easy to Spot’

This collection of quotes reflects a few perspectives on fashion at Georgetown. These quotes were selected from email interviews conducted by Brynn Furey (SFS ’20), Joy Kim (COL ’21), and Runzhong... Read more


Fashion That Cements Existence

Fashion is a language that doesn’t speak, it demands. Its theoretical aim is to wordlessly communicate the essence of a particular person with one glance, creating a cohesive narrative from head to toe. It... Read more


The Darkest Night

Everything I needed to know in life, I learned from Batman. Ok, everything might be a stretch. What I mean by that statement is that of the countless memorable lines... Read more


Did Georgetown Want Me Back?

The first people I saw as the elevator doors opened and the GERMS staff wheeled my stretcher through my dorm entrance were two acquaintances. “Don’t worry,” I laughed nervously as... Read more


No Place for Hate

In an unacceptable trend of actions meant to intimidate and threaten marginalized communities on campus, four swastikas were reported on Georgetown’s campus in the first four weeks of classes. The... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: My Grandfather’s God

The last time I ever saw my grandfather was June 21, 2015. On that day, Father’s Day, he and I sat in his bedroom, which overlooked the lush, if overgrown,... Read more


Protect Global Health, End the Gag Rule

The World Health Organization estimates that every eight minutes a woman in the developing world dies from an unsafe abortion.  On January 23, 2017 President Donald Trump endangered even more... Read more


Finding a Place at Georgetown with Bossier

  There are many ways I can characterize my Georgetown experience. I can point to the roommates that have become family, the classes that redirected my career goals, and the... Read more


To Take a S.T.A.N.D

My Home I have seen the junction of hope and hopelessness. I spent the first few years of my life on Emerson Street in Haverhill, Massachusetts. The place was falling... Read more


Three Of A Kind: Thoughts From A Freshman Hoya

The first time I ever encountered Georgetown University, aside from viewing the entirely under-appreciated masterpiece College Road Trip starring Martin Lawrence and Raven Symoné, was when I was 12 years... Read more


DeVos Offers a Step Backwards

In a speech at George Mason University last week, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced her intention to roll back Obama-era guidelines for how universities receiving federal funding handle cases... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: The revolution will not make you five pounds thinner

Halfway through my freshman year, I looked in the mirror, considered what I had eaten that day, and decided that something had to be done. I came to what I... Read more


Protections for Undocumented Students Under Attack

Last week, President Trump reneged on a promise and threw the livelihoods of 800,000 young people into jeopardy by announcing that he plans to phase out the Deferred Action for... Read more


Swastikas and Silence

As always, they came for the Jews. I’m watching TV after the riots in Charlottesville. I hear that a girl died after a neo-Nazi hit her with his car, I... Read more


Nike Decision a Victory for Student Activists

Georgetown University announced on Wednesday that it has signed a new licensing agreement with Nike, Inc., and has facilitated a protocol between the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) and Nike, which... Read more


Disregarding Disability

Throughout my two years at Georgetown, I’ve heard people say countless times that the university does everything in its power to help students graduate in four years. But in my... Read more