
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Gaudium et spes: The Meaning of the Crucifix

“I do not want to be in a religion in which I am ‘allowed’ to have a crucifix… In people who are Catholics, or call themselves Catholics, I want the... Read more


Open Access: On the Aftermath of My Grandmother’s Death

I’ve written about my grandmother’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease and her death before, and I’ve said that it was a blessing that she died when and how she did. While... Read more

Digital Issue

It’s not you! It’s me! in a pie chart

Egan Barnitt is a freshman in the NHS. She is one of three spoken word poets highlighted in this week’s arts-themed digital issue. She performs this poem in a video... Read more

Digital Issue


Summer Durant is a senior in the College. She is one of three spoken word poets highlighted in this week’s arts-themed digital issue. She performs this poem in a video... Read more

Digital Issue

Chipotle Guacamole

  Timmy Sutton is a sophomore in the College. He is one of three spoken word poets highlighted in this week’s arts-themed digital issue. He performs this poem in a... Read more

Digital Issue

Student Artists Deserve Better

This week is Arts Week on campus, an annual celebration of the arts and the students who create them. It is also an occasion to remember that the many artists... Read more


Letter to the Editor: Stay Engaged in Qatar

On the Feb. 9, the Editorial Board of The Georgetown Voice published an article, titled “Time to Quit Qatar,” calling on the university’s leadership to close its Qatar campus. However,... Read more


Gaudium et spes: When Anchors Make Worthy Vessels

As someone who grew up in the island city-state of Singapore, from a society and community very different than Georgetown, I can attest to the claim that the Hilltop is... Read more


Solidarity Shouts: How I Became A Prison Abolitionist

Most Georgetown passions begin with a student organization. One of the first clubs I joined upon arriving at Georgetown was Prison Outreach, a service program directed by the Center for... Read more


Open Access: Ties of the NHS to Mental Health

I spent my spring break in London this year—seeing family, mostly, but also doing embarrassing tourist stuff like taking pictures with the guards in front of Buckingham Palace. On a... Read more


Politics and LSD On the Brain

As another mass murder of school children strikes the country, the fire of a familiar debate is reignited. Both sides accuse each other of apathy and disrespect for the victims... Read more


Walk Out for Gun Violence Prevention on the 14th

When 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida were murdered on Feb. 14 by a former MSD student, the United States once again began... Read more


Gaudium et spes: Experiencing Community

Pope Francis once said, “No one is saved alone, as an isolated individual, but God attracts us looking at the complex web of relationships that take place in the human... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: I Promise I’m Not A Luddite

Can you be both a Luddite and a computer science major? I study computers and the internet in class but I never publicly interact on social media. I want to... Read more


Black, American, and Catholic

The Catholic Church defines itself as a welcoming home for all believers. In fact, the word “catholic” comes from the Greek adjective katholikós, which literally translates to “universal.” As a... Read more


Solidarity Shouts: School of Foreign “Service”?

Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) is preparing to celebrate its centennial in the coming academic year. This is truly a momentous occasion for a school that has produced... Read more


D.C.’s Amazon Bid Neglects Residents’ Needs

Earlier this month, consulting firm Hamilton Place Strategies released a report ranking Washington, D.C. the most qualified of the 19 U.S. cities that Amazon is considering for its “HQ2,” the... Read more

Fresh Voices

Fresh Voices: Jack Townsend Promises He’s Not a Luddite

In this episode of Fresh Voices, assistant Voices editor Julia Pinney talks with Jack Townsend, who wrote “I Promise I’m Not a Luddite” in this week’s issue, on stands now.... Read more


What This American, From Eastern Ghouta, Knows about Syria

For the past seven years, Syria has been filled with carnage beyond the imagination’s reach. The headlines—about sarin gas, refugees fleeing in hoards never before seen, and children, covered in... Read more


What Does it Mean to Be a Survivor in Post-Weinstein America?

In January, former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar’s sentencing played out in a new Twitter moment almost every day. Everyone in the world could watch and join the conversation as... Read more