
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Day Wave Presents Melancholy Beauty at DC9

DC9 nightclub is unique in the world of music venues. Centrally located in the busy nightlife scene of Shaw, it looks more like a converted storefront than a concert hall.... Read more


Lost in Space: Ratchet & Clank Lacks Substance

Movie adaptations of video games are usually awful. From subpar plots to uninspired acting, these films rarely garner anything other than harsh criticism (see Super Mario Bros. and Hitman for... Read more


Critical Voices: Beyonce, Lemonade

Last Saturday night Beyoncé reaffirmed her dominance over the R&B/pop music scene and dropped her sixth solo album, Lemonade, alongside her hour long HBO special of the same name. True... Read more


Not To Be: The Reduced Shakespeare Company’s Latest Performance Dissapoints

Much like that of Bach, Beethoven, or Brahms, the works of Shakespeare are often thought of as high art: deeply important, and therefore inaccessible, incomprehensible to mainstream audiences. Since the... Read more


Critical Voices: M83, Junk

The French electronic-pop group M83, fronted by Anthony Gonzalez and Jordan Lawler, recently released Junk on April 8th. The band has been around since 2001, but their 2011 album Hurry... Read more


A Tropical, Playful Twelfth Night Delights at The Gonda Theatre

Lightning and rain thunders through Gonda Theatre. Nona Johnson (COL ‘17) and Alex Yurcaba (COL ‘18), playing twins Viola and Sebastian respectively, spin wildly in the midst of the chaos.... Read more


Shallow Sentiments, Sincere Music: Sing Street is an Entertaining, Mixed Blessing

As Duran Duran streams from an old television set, The Cure crackles from record players, and cigarettes dangle from the lips of every Irish schoolboy, the setting for Sing Street... Read more


Mask and Bauble’s Into the Woods Celebrates True Essence of Fairy Tales

Not all fairy tales result in the “happily ever after” that’s expected. Today’s generations are generally exposed to doctored folklore of the past — where Little Red Riding Hood is freed... Read more


Critical Voices: The Movement, Golden

For well over a decade now The Movement has been flying under the radar as one of the most creative modern reggae groups in recent memory. Currently made up of... Read more


Missiles and Morality: Eye in the Sky is an Intriguing Nail-Biter

Eye in the Sky stars Academy Award winner Helen Mirren as a pragmatic, no-nonsense Colonel of the British armed forces as she coordinates a surveillance and strike operation with U.S... Read more


Weezer’s White Album Fails to Innovate, but Lyrics Stand Out

Eight years and four albums later, Weezer has returned to their tradition of color-themed self-titled records with Weezer (White Album). Producer Jake Sinclair told Rolling Stone he wanted to return... Read more


Melissa McCarthy Deserves Better than The Boss

Melissa McCarthy is funny—this may as well be taken as fact. She made everyone fall in love with her on Gilmore Girls and surprised everyone when she scored an unexpected... Read more


Punk Stars Cry, Too: Parquet Courts Shows Depth and Diversity

It’s easy to write off punk-rock as grimy, distorted music dependent on high-energy and fast, palm-muted guitar. The songs are often short, the lyrics unintelligible. But some musicians manage to... Read more


Nomadic Tells A Tale of Self-Discovery With Happy

Are any of us truly happy? It seems like most of the time, we smile when we are sad, and try to have a positive attitude even when we are... Read more


Critical Voices: Zayn, Mind of Mine

As I’m sure many of you are aware, Zayn Malik, ex-One Direction member, finally released his much anticipated debut solo album, Mind of Mine, last Friday. The album, including its... Read more


Black, Blue, and Red All Over: Batman v Superman Is A Stunning Disaster

There comes a moment while watching Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice when the viewer realizes that they are no longer watching a cohesive film, and are instead experiencing some... Read more


Miracles from Heaven: Underwhelming but Uplifting

It’s bad enough to fall from a three-story tree, but it’s worse when you’re also sick with a debilitating disease. In fact, one may wager that surviving such an event... Read more


Midnight Special Presents a New Kind of Superhero

Midnight Special is, in a sense, a superhero movie, but it’s also perhaps the best antidote for the looming superhero overload in the film industry. It shares much of the... Read more


Fractured Beauty Found in Malick’s Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups is a fairly difficult movie to pin down. It’s a film that plays out as if in memory, a collection of disjointed, stream-of-consciousness images coupled with vague,... Read more


Critical Voices: The Struts, Everybody Wants

Long hair, leather jackets, cigarettes, dark eye shadow—it would appear that classic rock is making a comeback. Imagine a blend of The Rolling Stones, Queen and Oasis and you might... Read more