
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Beyond Thoughts and Prayers: Choose Love With Action

On Jan. 13, Jewish Life through Campus Ministry hosted a Civil Rights Shabbat. The powerful messages discussed by Rabbi Rachel Gartner, Professor Terrence Johnson, and Professor Jacques Berlinerblau culminated in... Read more


Making Space for Faith in Liberalism

We sat in silence with our eyes closed for half an hour, contemplating the people who motivate and inspire us. Those in attendance could share their thoughts periodically, but there... Read more


An Open Letter to Stephen Bannon

Dear Mr. Stephen K. Bannon, We represent 173 current students and recent alumni from across all eight graduate programs in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, and we... Read more


Fight Pain With Laughter: Comedy as a Vehicle for Tough Dialogue

On the night of Saturday, Nov. 19, the line to enter DAR Constitution Hall stretched around the corner. It was comprised primarily of sophisticated middle-aged D.C. residents donning fur trimmed... Read more


Collaboration and Coordination Drive Change

On Friday, Nov. 18, I took a walk. Starting in Red Square, I strolled down O, made a right on Wisconsin, left on M, slight right on Pennsylvania, and then... Read more


Do Not Take Your Democracy for Granted

I come from a highly politicized country where abstaining from voting is considered shameful. In Turkey, the rule of “no politics at the dinner table” would be met with ridicule.... Read more


Fortune Cookie Wisdom: The Electoral College Dilutes Purple Votes

My family has an odd tradition when we eat Chinese food. Everyone finishes their food and grabs a fortune cookie, but before unlocking its secret, you have to wait for... Read more


Say Yes to the Smoke-Free Campus Referendum

The conversation about the pros and cons of smoking on campus has occurred for years. Now is the time to move toward a healthier campus for all students, faculty, employees,... Read more


Say No to the Smoke-Free Campus Referendum

Dec. 1, the day we’ve all been waiting for. The day to vote no to the GUSA Smoke and Tobacco Ban referendum, a decision that affects every single person on... Read more


Finding Empowerment Outside of the Boys’ Club

I cursed for the first time in second grade. I was the only girl playing soccer at recess—as usual—when I said “crap.” I don’t remember in what context I said... Read more


Encourage Camaraderie in Election’s Wake

Is it just me, or is everyone wearing black? I asked my roommate this question as we began the actual walk of shame to our first class the morning after... Read more


The Hateful Forces That Trump Unleashed

I was going to write a lofty piece analyzing the political rhetoric and its contribution to the ideologically segregated country. I was going to write about how the premium TV... Read more


White People Need to Take Responsibility

Today, I am ashamed to be a white woman. The majority of people in the United States who look like me voted for a man who plans to implement xenophobic... Read more


Not My Party: The Disillusionment of a Young Republican

For as long as I can remember, I have identified as a Republican, first because that is how my parents raised me; eventually, I became one out of my own... Read more


Moving Forward: We Need to Understand

The past few days have been difficult to comprehend. A majority of the Georgetown student base feels shocked, scared, and betrayed, and for good reason. Our country just elected one... Read more


An Open Letter to Asian American Hoyas

Dear Georgetown Asian Americans, We need to do better. Where is the anger? Where is the activism? Where is the solidarity? These past few years— and this election especially—have shown... Read more


Avoiding Armchair Activism When Fighting For Change

This past week, over a million Facebook users checked in to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to show their solidarity with Dakota Access Pipeline protesters and thwart any potential targeting... Read more


Beyond Sound Bites: Unsung Heroes Fails Workers

Unsung Heroes, an organization founded by Febin Bellamy (MSB ’17), has received significant news attention recently for highlighting the stories of on-campus workers and including them in the Georgetown community.... Read more


Is the Smoke-Free Movement on Campus Being Purposefully Intransigent?

The recent smoking roundtable represents a very sad state of affairs for the Georgetown administration regarding the issue of smoking on campus. It is clear from the meeting that the... Read more


Vote Your Values: Defending our Reproductive and Sexual Rights

In these scary times known as the 2016 presidential election season, we face many choices. But ultimately they boil down to one: how do we pick our president for the... Read more