
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Everest Takes Viewers on Heart-Pounding Climb

Why does man want to climb to impossible heights? In one of the first scenes of the movie Everest, Rob Hall,played by Jason Clarke, tells his clients how the human... Read more


Get ready for Landmark!

The first ever Landmark Music Festival will take place this weekend at West Potomac Park, on the National Mall just south of the Lincoln Memorial. The festival, occurring all day... Read more


Critical Voices: Paper Gods

Duran Duran took off in the 1980s thanks to catchy hits and risqué music videos. With upbeat tempos and memorable lyrics, the group was able to remain a part of... Read more


Critical Voices: Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Pets

If there’s one thing Miley Cyrus wants to make clear, it’s that she’s not the little girl from Hannah Montana anymore. “Yeah, I smoke pot,” she’ll remind  you in “Dooo... Read more


Bathing Suit Not Required: The Building Museum’s Urban BEACH

You’ve seen the Instagrams – there was a giant, white ball pit for grown-ups in D.C. this summer. If you didn’t make it, or somehow didn’t hear about it, this... Read more


Critical Voices: All Yours, Widowspeak

All Yours, the newest album released by Brooklyn folk trio Widowspeak takes an unfortunate departure from the band’s previous aesthetic. With songs that could lull a toddler to sleep, the... Read more


Critical Voices: Diane Coffee, Everybody’s A Good Dog

The college town of Bloomington, Indiana may be the last place one expects to find music rooted in the Motown tradition. Yet that’s just where Diane Coffee, the solo project... Read more


Out of Step: Georgetown’s relationship with the D.C. hardcore punk scene

“It really felt like you were part of the scene and that it was important to be there. And it was exciting to be there. You felt really alive when... Read more


David Simon’s Latest Project, Show Me A Hero, Highlights Horrific Realities

How does one make housing crises and City Council meetings compelling? Hiring David Simon, the mastermind behind The Wire, helps. The ratings of his shows may not break any records,... Read more


DeadBeats: Not for the artists, but for the experience

Music festivals are certainly not a new concept. But in the past decade, they’ve drastically changed the way we enjoy our tunes – sometimes for the better, and others, for... Read more


Best of Summer 2015

It’s been a busy summer for the arts. From big-budget franchise films to thought-provoking reads and album releases, a leisure team of writers and editors have pooled together a list... Read more


Georgetown University Concert Choir: Bringing Mozart Bach

For many Georgetown students, McNeir Auditorium is a bit of an enigma. Aside from the occasional lecture or small performance, it’s a space that often sits empty during the day.... Read more


Paper beats canvas at NGA

An abstract splatter of colors next to an impressionist portrait sounds like the formula for a disorganized mess of an exhibit. But the latest exhibit at the National Gallery, Focus... Read more


Maxime a treat for student bourgeoisie

If there’s one thing that all Georgetown students learn about the neighborhood, it’s that restaurants on M Street are usually pretty good, but also pretty expensive. It is because of... Read more


Kuniyoshi captures intersectionality

At almost 17, Yasuo Kuniyoshi migrated alone to the United States. Though he is considered an esteemed American artist—spending his career in Los Angeles and New York—Kuniyoshi was never allowed... Read more


Under the Covers: Pursuing the Persistence of Memory

Memory is a fickle aspect of our lives. Vibrant memories can provide a level of certainty to conceptions of self, but they also hold painful details that sour relationships and... Read more


Deadbeats: Save the heckling for Ed Nonymous

If you’re seeing a band at a concert, you should stop heckling. Few things are more annoying to encounter at a show than a fan who heckles a band over... Read more


Critical Voices: The Mountain Goats, Beat the Champ

Metal and Satanism, blues and sadness, rap and da club—some music genres and subject matters just seem to go together. With their new album, Beat the Champ, the Mountain Goats... Read more


Critical Voices: Matt and Kim, New Glow

If music is one big party, Matt and Kim sit at the head of the kids’ table. The dynamic duo has embraced their indie pop identity over the years, producing... Read more


Arts Week 2015: Highlights

Starting this Saturday, the Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA) Subcommittee on Creative Expression plans to hold the second annual Arts Week to highlight and showcase the varied talents of the... Read more