
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


STEM Fatale: The pitfalls of the “Women in STEM” label

I’m a “Woman in STEM”—I used to love saying that. It felt important to have a title that recognized my love for science, as well as the challenges associated with... Read more


The merit to rethinking meritocracy, and why we need to change ‘elite’ admissions

The conversation around meritocratic admissions that dominates elite institutions promotes an us-versus-them mentality that drives a wedge between minority groups.


The power of paint—graffiti and its pursuit of justice

Graffiti is an expression of hope, a demand for justice, and a representation of community solidarity.


Georgetown is abandoning its student leaders

Georgetown, flush with lackluster resources, is knowingly relying on an under-supported, undertrained, and largely unpaid crop of student leaders to create a basic system of community care.


I pledge allegiance as a stan: Breaking down Twitter subculture

Just like any other subculture, Stan Twitter has its rules and conventions; allegiances and local personalities; and, most of all, dangers and downsides.

News Commentary

Welcome to Surveillance University, where privacy no longer matters

When Allemai Dagnatchew (SFS ’22) began her final semester of college, the last thing she wanted to worry about was digital privacy.


How I navigate achievement anxiety, and how you can too

Affixing our worth to achievement is no way to live—our love for ourselves shouldn’t be conditional on societal views of what makes us valuable.


A letter to my hometown: Racial justice in Minneapolis still has a long way to go

This uncritical attribution of the nationwide increase in crime to the protests of that summer, without regard for other potential contributing factors, is a disservice to the Black Lives Matter movement and racial justice efforts more generally.


Employers, pay your interns—fair compensation now!

The practice of unpaid internships not only reflects the United States’ unequal employment landscape, but also significantly contributes to it. Simply put, employers should pay all their employees fairly—and that includes interns.


Letter from the Editor: How we’re working towards a more equitable journalism industry

Because we realize institutional solutions to unpaid internships aren’t going to materialize overnight, the Voice offers an admittedly stopgap solution: the Steve Pisinski Scholarship.


Sorry, Not Sorry: How apologies are ruining us

We apologize for our sensitivity in expressing our emotions. We apologize for having needs. We punctuate our words with apologies, thinking nothing of it, and unknowingly face the consequences.


Write-in “MO” for GUSA Exec

The Voice Editorial Board endorses the Marcella/Otice slate, the MO campaign, for the GUSA Executive election.


Club applications suck. Let’s finally end them.

Structural exclusivity is often a greater enticement for students to partake in selective clubs. Students buy into the heuristic that an application implies a desirable club experience—suddenly membership is understood to be lucrative.


Georgetown needs to provide sexual assault support for student-run clubs

Without measures to help students foster welcoming club environments, instances of sexual assault, such as the one within my club’s, will continue to occur, and insufficient support will continue to fail students and their clubs.


Georgetown’s non-faculty workers deserve better treatment

Last winter, two Georgetown students crowdsourced $17,000 for Stacey Walton, a Georgetown food service employee struggling with food and housing insecurity. In advocating for Walton, they acknowledged the simple fact... Read more


To the casting directors of Euphoria and other teen shows—grow up

The trend of casting adults to play teens is more than merely annoying—it has the potential for significant harm.

On Being Green

COP26: Humanity’s chance for redemption

The COP26 goals included global commitments to reach global net zero emissions by 2050, adapt to protect communities and natural habitats, and mobilize climate finance in order to reach net zero. Total engagement is absolutely necessary for combating climate change, and we must commit to being a united front in order to preserve our future. 

Alumni Speak

22 months into the pandemic, healthcare worker burnout is real

From a moral standpoint, medical burnout is about the conditions under which healthcare staff works—and the resulting impacts on their lives. Long hours, conflicting demands between hospital executives and frontline healthcare workers, and more can make an already stressful job even more difficult.


So we can return to campus. Now what?

If Georgetown students are to return to campus on Jan. 11 safely, here's what we believe needs to be implemented by the university and the student body.


The holidays aren’t always happy. That’s okay, too.

I won’t wish you the happiest of New Year’s. But I will wish you a restful and peaceful one. Have whatever kind of New Year you need.