
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


On falling in love with a dead author

I did not expect to fall in love with a dead author amid a global pandemic and a social revolution. Yet here we are. And how beautiful it is to be here.

Alumni Speak

I was a poll worker during COVID: Here’s why I’m worried for November’s election

The protocols in place worked for our small election, with only 1-2 voters per hour. However, much higher turnout in November will complicate that, especially with the convergence of voters from all parties.


What makes the Voice extraordinary?

Undoubtedly, freshman year of college is as much a journey to find a sense of “home” in a foreign environment as it is anything else. Georgetown can be a mental... Read more


How to grow your own digital best friend

How my best friend and I got so close despite just having the internet—and how you can grow yourself a digital best friend, too.

Carrying On

Carrying On: What COVID-19 taught me about class and my classmates

"It would be a mistake to assume that COVID-19 has created these gaps in educational access. All it’s done is bring them to light."


A mandatory class on the GU272 is a moral necessity

Georgetown has a responsibility not just to teach its students about the world and their chosen field of study, but to educate its students about the institution which they call... Read more


A letter to the newest members of our community

Dear incoming students, Welcome to Georgetown! Though this community may feel far away, both physically and emotionally, from where you sit reading this, know we are thinking of you as... Read more


Carrying On: Becoming friends at a distance

Amanda Chu and Natalie Chaudhuri tell the fabled story of their friendship—from proseminar classmates to Voices editors to quarantine best friends.


Georgetown, divest from prisons: The moral arc won’t bend itself

"For all students, Georgetown’s complicity in the prison-industrial complex is also our complicity. We have a direct interest in Georgetown’s actions and reputation, making us stakeholders in our university."

Alumni Speak

Why Georgetown students should support D.C. statehood

D.C. statehood is not an issue of just taxes or borders. Civil rights, racial justice, and democracy are at stake. Statehood would open up pathways for the 700,000 residents of D.C., 54 percent of whom are people of color, to advocate for themselves and access the same democratic processes that people living in states do.


Georgetown should prioritize student need, not student cash

When Georgetown’s students need the support of their university most, it has let them down.  After much anticipation, Georgetown released its Fall 2020 semester plan on July 6. Three weeks... Read more


Telehealth: The future of mental health care

The pandemic has completely changed the landscape of mental health care, one of the key components to battling mental illness.


An open letter to my fellow white friends: Let’s talk about race.

Speaking out against racism is more than an action. It is a process of recognizing the ways in which white people contribute to and benefit from institutional and societal racism. It is a process of realizing feeling guilty is a privilege—that Black people and other people of color have been living with the effects of this racism for their entire lives. 


To support vulnerable students, a tuition decrease is not the answer

By supporting a tuition decrease, we put countless faculty and staff members at risk. We deplete already-scant resources that help level the academic and social playing field for socioeconomically disadvantaged students like myself who depend on tuition revenues for funding. Ultimately, we risk undoing much of the progress made over the last five decades towards creating a more diverse and inclusive Georgetown community.  

On The Pandemic

On The Pandemic: How COVID-19 affects international graduate students

"In light of these struggles, the COVID-19 pandemic has made me question the university’s real commitment to the global character it parades around."


Address Racism in Journalism

As global demonstrations against racial injustice continue into their fourth week, the breadth of inequities being protested against has expanded far beyond the police brutality that ended the lives of... Read more


Popping the Georgetown Bubble

"My classmates would walk around with thousand-dollar winter coats, wear designer bags, and avoid Leo’s at their every convenience. Meanwhile, I added three jobs to my plate and was juggling more than I could handle. Going from classes in Walsh to shifts in Reynolds (a hike), I often found it near impossible to ever leave the Bubble or even to discover any clubs I was passionate about."


I’m a survivor. And no, your policies aren’t enough.

"Georgetown and its students say survivors are not alone. We write it on the walls of our buildings and host rallies and shout together, but what will you do when the perpetrator is your friend or partner? What will you do when rejecting them means a major change in your life? What will you do when empowering a survivor is inconvenient for you? What will you do when your student organization is enabling abusers? What action will you actually, truly take to make sure a survivor is not alone?"

On The Pandemic

On The Pandemic: The dangers of the news using war metaphors

In discussions about COVID-19, it is the military metaphors that are the most dangerous. War metaphors related to COVID-19 are overused and often inaccurate, and descriptions of the pandemic should instead turn to non-violent metaphors that emphasize the need for community and perseverance.


Threading: How my eyebrows have been a window to my soul

No matter the answer, my previous “cure” for my hair was one of many small things I took for granted, and one of the many small habits that I, like many others, didn’t realize I valued until they were gone.