
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Make Georgetown Admissions Test-Optional 

The SAT is supposedly an objective, merit-based assessment; the harder you work, the better you score. But that’s not the reality. Family income and race play too large a role... Read more


Repeal the 2001 AUMF 

As of Sept. 12, 18-year-olds enlisting in the military may be sent to fight in Afghanistan in response to attacks that occurred before they were born. The undeniable tragedy of... Read more


Carrying On: One Mass Shooting Is Too Many

with contributions by Caroline Wilkerson, a former student at Pepperdine University   Caroline: No one can warn you about what a mass shooting feels like. Nothing can prepare you for... Read more


To the Cliffs and the Castle

The weight I carried with me while wandering the streets of Dublin at four in the morning is difficult for me to express. The vacation had been planned months earlier—presented... Read more


Carrying On: True Meditation in the Self-Help Era

When I first started practicing Buddhism at age 11, I became the odd one out in my family of Catholics and atheists. Piles of sutras, Buddha images, and prayer beads... Read more


D.C. Must Keep the Circulator Free

Since Feb. 1, D.C.’s bright red and yellow Circulator buses have been free to ride. A sack is slung over the fare box bearing the slogan “Fair Shot”—the name of... Read more


First in the Family

Nearly every night I can remember from my pre-kindergarten years, my mom would read with me. It was almost always my choice what book we would dive into that evening;... Read more


Congress must allow D.C. to regulate legal marijuana

In 1998, D.C. legalized medical marijuana. But in the two decades since, Congress has blocked D.C. from spending any money on regulating marijuana, whether for medical purposes or recreational use,... Read more


Eight Years, No Cheat Days

Lunch was inevitable. In the few months I’ve been rock climbing, I’ve learned to recognize the predictable rhythms of angling my foot just so, willing energy into my shoulders to... Read more


Dear Incoming Students,

Every year, we at the Voice write a letter to incoming first-years, welcoming you to campus. The hospitable sentiment generally seems simple enough. But this year, we felt that our... Read more


A Little Bit in Love with Love Island

While studying abroad in Dublin last fall, I finished almost three seasons of Love Island. It was a source of laughter and excitement during a period of situational depression. Out... Read more


D.C. Must Renew Disability Assistance Contract

The Department of Disability Services (DDS) announced on May 31 that it would terminate its contract with Georgetown University at the end of August. Georgetown runs the District of Columbia... Read more


Carrying On: Diversity and Inclusion? I’ll believe it when I see it.

On September 13, Felicity Huffman will be sentenced for her involvement in the college admissions scandal, a multimillion dollar conspiracy to gain access to the nation’s top universities. Other indicted... Read more


D.C. Should Decriminalize Sex Work 

Early this June, D.C. councilmembers Robert White, Anita Bonds, and Brianne Nadeau introduced a bill that would decriminalize sex work in the District. The Community and Safety Health Amendment Act... Read more


End the Disenfranchisement of D.C. Felons

Early this June, at-large Councilmember Robert C. White Jr. introduced the Restore the Vote Amendment Act of 2019. This bill would make D.C. the first jurisdiction in the country to... Read more


Support NASC Petition and Native Students

The Native American Student Council (NASC), the only Native undergraduate student group at Georgetown, submitted a petition to the Office of the President on April 3. The petition reminded the... Read more


Reevaluate Grading Curves, Assess Students Fairly

For the spring 2019 semester, the McDonough School of Business (MSB) changed its undergraduate course grading guidelines. The previous policy, in place since 2009, specified that the average GPA in... Read more


Carrying On: The Price of Silence

Content warning: This article discusses sexual assault. Given the highly personal nature of the events discussed in this piece, the author has chosen to remain anonymous. In September 2018, along... Read more


Campaign With Compassion

Sometimes politics feels like a hellhole. Whether it’s in the Twittersphere, on CNN or C-SPAN, or even just in everyday conversations, it can feel like an inescapable purgatory. This should... Read more


To All the Times I’ve Wanted to Leave the Hilltop

“I’m definitely coming to Georgetown!” A high school senior said this to me a few weeks ago, after I shared my study abroad experience with prospective students and families while... Read more