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GU Politics announces fall fellows to celebrate its fifth anniversary

The Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service announced a new class of GU Politics fellows for the upcoming fall semester on their website Wednesday morning. The cohort, made up... Read more


Students respond to lowered financial aid packages with anger, anxiety

Much-anticipated financial aid packages began to be released by the university in the late afternoon of July 31.  As the evening progressed, it became evident a significant group of students... Read more

News Commentary

The new fall plan leaves RAs without residents, housing, or employment

Yesterday, I began packing my bags to move back to campus next week to serve as a residential assistant (RA). Today, I am canceling my flights and hotel room, reevaluating... Read more


Georgetown takes new cybersecurity measures in response to national attacks

All Georgetown students will now be required to install DUO, a multi-factor authentication service, to access university systems for the coming semester, the university announced on July 21.  This move,... Read more

Georgetown Explained

Georgetown Explained: Title IX

CW: This article discusses topics of sexual misconduct and assault This article is part of a series of explainer pieces by the Voice on some of the most important topics... Read more

Georgetown Explained

Georgetown Explained: University finances and executive salaries

This article is part of a series of explainer pieces by the Voice on some of the most important topics on campus. Other articles in the series can be found... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The cops on SVU aren’t the ones who come to your door. Suggesting they are might be a problem.

CW: police violence, sexual assault  Somehow, shows about cops have become so pervasive they are now an entire genre. Many of America’s favorite shows—Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU,... Read more


Georgetown announces Fall 2020 virtual semester

In an email to students on July 29, President John DeGioia announced that all Fall 2020 undergraduate courses will be conducted remotely due to a national increase in COVID-19 cases. ... Read more


Students demand university response to new Title IX regulations

Content warning: sexual harassment, sexual assault  Members of the Georgetown community are supporting a petition demanding the university commit to a series of policies supporting survivors of sexual assault and... Read more

Georgetown Explained

Georgetown Explained: Latinx Studies

This article is part of a series of explainer pieces by the Voice on some of the most important topics on campus. Other articles in the series can be found... Read more


Raleigh Ritchie’s Andy matches wit with honest introspection

Jacob Anderson isn’t the artist you might expect. Most well known for playing the taciturn warrior Grey Worm on HBO’s Game of Thrones, the familiar actor might give most folks... Read more


D.C. City Council approves cuts to MPD funding

The D.C. City Council passed a $15 million cut to the Metropolitan Police Department’s (MPD) funding in a unanimous vote on July 23 as a part of the city’s $16.8... Read more


Howie Hawkins Zooms in with the Voice

It’s not often the Voice gets to sit down with a presidential candidate.  In fact, Howie Hawkins, long time Green Party candidate for governor of New York and, more recently,... Read more


GUSA Senate elects new vice speaker

The GUSA Senate elected Sen. Christopher Ziac (COL ’22) to fill the position of vice speaker at their meeting on July 19 following the previous vice speaker’s resignation on July 9... Read more


Fall semester tuition reduced for those not invited back to campus

Georgetown announced changes in Fall 2020 tuition, housing, and dining charges on July 21 in an email to undergraduates and their families. The email also reiterated the university’s fall semester... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Ten soft songs, depicting the passage of daylight

In a time of upheaval and uncertainty, little feels constant. One thing you can count on, though, is the passage of light through day. This week, the Weekly List is an ambient/folk playlist tracking light from dawn to dusk—it’s a smooth, ethereal listen to center the self during a time where any kind of grounding feels like a fantasy.


Social unrest prompts Georgetown’s first Black student-athlete coalition

As a wave of protests against police brutality and racial injustice continue and Georgetown grapples with instances of racism on its own campus, Georgetown Black student-athletes have virtually united through... Read more

Georgetown Explained

Georgetown Explained: Club funding

This article is part of a series of explainer pieces by the Voice on some of the most important topics on campus. Other articles in the series can be found... Read more


Stop Police Terror Project’s petition to end stop-and-frisk in D.C.

Over 1,000 D.C. residents have signed a petition created by the organization Stop Police Terror Project-D.C. (SPTDC) that calls for the D.C. government to end the police practice of stop-and-frisk. ... Read more


Dear PWI: Students use social media to share stories of racism and bias on campus

CW: Racism When Tara Ravishankar (COL ‘22) came across various Instagram accounts telling the stories of marginalized students at predominantly white institutions (PWIs) across the country, she immediately thought of... Read more


Georgetown responded to ICE regulations against international students. Some say it isn’t enough to ensure their success.

In wake of the Trump administration’s travel ban, attempts to disassemble DACA, and crackdown on immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border came another attempt to curb immigration—this time directed towards international... Read more


D.C. statehood is closer than ever to becoming a reality. The Senate has a problem with that.

For the first time in history, D.C. statehood has been approved by a house of Congress, passing the House in a 232-180 vote on June 26.  Despite the vote, and... Read more


Limited on-campus housing leads to frustration, anxiety

When Georgetown released plans for the Fall 2020 semester on July 6, administrators assured that if health conditions permitted, students who had demonstrated the need for a safe place to... Read more


Georgetown administrators elaborate on Fall 2020 reopening plans in town hall

GUSA hosted a town hall with Georgetown administrators to discuss student concerns about the fall reopening plan on July 16.  Key information revealed during the town hall included a July... Read more


Fauci urges young people to be responsible, avoids politicization of the pandemic

Georgetown students on Tuesday got the rare opportunity to hear a coronavirus update from Dr. Anthony Fauci himself.  Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and... Read more